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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Learning new things

This week I decided that I needed to find a way for my Spanish speaking friends to read my information so I ask Google and I was directed to a site that would translate my documents into Spanish.  I did have a document translated and will give it to a few of my friends and see how they like it and how much they can learn from it. It is amazing what you can learn by just 'asking Google'. I am so grateful that I have lived in the age of the computer.
I published a new book this week and will purchase copies to sign and sell at the Conference. I really do enjoy the process of publishing the book, building the cover and uploading the information.  I think I will teach a class on the process next year, if people have an interest in publishing material.  But, I am just figuring out that most people do not have the same passion I do for learning new things.  I absolutely love learning.  I am starting on my new Spanish CDs tonight, because if I move to Central America, I need to know some Spanish. 

Still trying to get people to come to the Conference

I have changed the pricing for the ticket to the Holistic Wellness Conference:

July 26, 6-10 pm July 27, 8-5:30pm

DoubleTree Inn, Bentonville, AR

Lunch included in ticket if purchased by July 10
Some of the Speakers:

Dr. Katy Morter Holistic Family Lifestyle

Lilian Bern Healing Body Mind and Spirit

Dr. Ted Morter Your wish is your command

Dr. David Tharp Your body can heal

Calvin Bey Organic garden, Water, Earth’s energy

Allee Anabal RN Donna Eden Energy Medicine

Dr. Tammy Tucker Balancing Hormones-"Project Fabulous"

Doug Myrick Healing with Novanitics/hypnosis

Freddie Martin Arbuthnot- Living with absolute wellness

Tresa Jacobs Clearing blocked energy paths

Helen Hollinger Healing Colon Cancer holistically

Nancy Mattox garden preservation
Healing with Art, Meditation-Others to be added later….www.memasramblings.com

Send check prior to July 10—Registration: $35,Two tickets: $60 or call for Special reduced price or if you have limited funds 479-366-4306
send check: Freddie Arbuthnot, 13351 N Hwy 279, Hiwasse, AR72739

or e-mail freddiemema@hotmail.com