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Sunday, August 5, 2018

I'm having a problem and I just wanted to blog about it since I'm doing this on the record button I'll probably make some grammatical errors but just this past week and incident happened that really made me aware of how people care about other people I was assisting with a care of a patient who is in her 70s that has Alzheimer's dementia and has had a fall so she needs some assistance and she has money so she has sitters that love her and care for her and her son who lives in Arizona came to assess her care and to see what he could do to help him I'm having a problem and I just wanted to blog about it but I'm doing this on the record button I'll probably make some grammatical errors but that's just passed week and accident happened that really made me a wear of how people care about other people I was assisting with a care of a patient to is inner 70s that has Alzheimer's dementia and has had a fall so she needs some assistance and she has money so she has sitters that love her and care for her and her son who lives in Arizona came to assist her to see what he could do to help him I felt that might be a good idea however her son is a self indulge child he is a retired baseball player has money and already had money because of his mom and dad he came with a friend who is I think the high school buddy and I still act like they're probably 19 at the most and even when my son was 19 he didn't actb stupid they got to the house and played around for a while and then when into her room briefly to see what her needs were notice it she's laying flat in bed and I said she needed done electric bed but she needed to keep her same headboard because people with dementia absolutely cannot tolerate change they had to be around people there familiar with objects there familiar with the room needs to remain the same you can even move your bed and it so confusing you'll think they're living in another world will this mom is still in the stitches of Alzheimer where's she can act feeling normal she can even write checks she has to be told the date and everything she is living probably 5 6 years ago and her dementia comes I think from a deep depression she had after her husband died her son was busy for a little while talking to his girlfriend and Arizona to have her order some a different wheelchair and a mattress  which is a good thing and then he's made some remark ..about okay if  go Walmart's if we can find some stuff she needs well I'm sure they never went to Walmart but anyhow been I left that evening  they  told me to leave because they didn't really need me to stay with  Mom I left and and II asked him to give her her bedtime medication that was probably not an important medication and  that it would be good if he would give it to her bedtime before he went to bed he didn't even go in see her as I  left I said remember Sharon is in that room and he said oh yeah we know I left there's a Nanny  Camera in her room and I could see it 24/7 so I got to  watch on the Nana cam nobody  nobody entered her room nobody said goodnight no one touch her know one asked her if she wanted to bedtime snack she laid there flatbed while her son was in the living room yelling at of baseball game on TV and playing fantasy baseball the ball or something with his friends the next day I  was watching the Nana cam because it was not going to be a sitter there until 9 because they were there to care for her no one ended her room no one said good morning no one offered her coffee no one touch her until the sitter  ccame when I was there in the morning by 6:30 I had already had a cup of coffee with her and she talked about how good the copies smelled and how much better it's  smelled than it tested but she loved it the Son was there for 48 hours spent  less than 5 minutes talking to her,v never touched her and hennn had already decided it was going to upgrade her care with medical team and had all these   ideas and only thing we ask are I asked for was on the electric bed and a different wheelchair and maybe some assistance on the day she was going to have a bath day evaluated by a medical team that came to see her oh they took her blood pressure they looked it her skin the didn't talk to her almost  all the information they got from her  wasn't something  that would help her I asked the medical team is there were any people in their team that had had training in Alzheimer dementia care no the head I asked if the same person would come everytime they came.her, someone from the team.with come   Just don't know they just don't know about that different ways you treat a person with dementia you cannot move anything and the room with that but confusing thems. you can't have new people around all the time it is very anxiety ridden for them and fact when I asked that they haven't electric bed I said be sure and keep her own headboard because you did not want to change anything you wanted to look exactly like it looks now by the time he had been there 48 hours I was pretty well boiling..when I . confronted him, I was told to leave.

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