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Friday, July 29, 2011

I had a great day yesterday, was very busy and I think productive. I visited my friend Pat Lemmer in the Ashley rehab, getting over a small stroke, they think. No one seems to know what happened to her but she did have weakness on the left side so is retraining her left side. She looked really good and in my opinion I think she is probably almost back to normal. She is such a nice lady and was a partner on some of the mission trips, helping after hurricanes and in Dumas after a tornado. I then went to hawkins Wellness and met Ellen for a spa and conversation, While I was there I met 3 other friends, made some new friends and of course, visited with Jeri and John. So grateful for all these opportunities and the ability to get 'out and about'.
My animals thought I had abandoned them and gave me lots of love when I got home. Today I have to catch up on the "have to" list here at home. I also have to do some research on some prescription drugs and some alternatives. No rain today but I am hopeful.

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