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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I got a supply of my books so if you ordered one from me, it will be on its way as soon as I can get to the post office. If you have not ordered one and want me to send you one, I need your address. The cost is $10 per book.
I wrote a plan for overcoming chronic illness yesterday and a daily routine for those with chronic illnesses, am including it in my next book and using it with current wellness clients. I ordered a couple of home lab test kits yesterday to try so I will know whether or not to recommend them, I ordered the CRP, c reactive protein, an inexpensive one, that everyone needs, www.testcounty.com was the company I ordered from, there are other companies but I thought I would start with this one. If you have a good physician and a good insurance plan, having your physician order them would be less expensive but if you need an alternative, this may be the way to go.

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