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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A bit cool today, hope the sun comes out and warms me up. Sophie and Stormy, the cats had to come in last night. I need to get out in the garden if it is not too wet, have to get some seeds planted and after Addy leaves I can go to town and get some plants and soil. Had an e-mail following up on my 2nd book from American Press. I will probably get it downloaded today or tomorrow. I think this time I will sell it from my website; http://www.memaswellness.homestead.com/ and not deal with vendors. I need as little stress as possible so I can live to be 140 years old and still be healthy. I did break down and order another book, now gotta find room on my bookshelves and time to read it. I read a lot of Dr. Jonathan Wright's writings yesterday and now I have to find sources that back up his research. He is good I know, because the FDA has been trying to hush him up for years.

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