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Monday, July 13, 2009

Living green

A few weeks ago Lonna and I went to a living green expo (I love those things), a builder offered to do a free energy audit for us and Lonna gave him my number to set up a time to come. I was not exited about making a trail through my dog house for someone to do an audit that I could do. I told Lonna we could start the audit with: close off the doggie doors and cat door, plug up all the holes arround the pipes and wires, get new windows and doors and put some insulation in the attic and walls. Now someone would give us an estimate of what it would cost and we could start saving out money for the next 10 years! I sent an e-mail to a company to see how much it would cost to get a solar system to just heat my hot water tank: $5000 at the least! Thats what I want to save my money for. I feel green when: I hang my clothes on the clothes line out doors, when I don't use plastic in walmart and bring my own bags, when I open the windows on mild days, when I take my cardboard and paper to the recycle center. Thats how I am living green. And of course I watch the living green channel on tv and make my to do list for the future.

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