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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gomer provided me with an entertaining night, he is so loving but so big and so busy.  Zoey, Jackson and Sonny were completely worn out and everyone is happy this morning to have a new bone to chew on and relax.  Zoey slept so close that I have black and white imprinted on my body...just kidding.
Chloe is having a problem supervising everyone and that little black Pug can even intimidate big black Gomer.
It is warm enough in the house to turn off the little electric fireplace but the doxies just love it too much for me to turn it off completely.   So damp and miserable outdoors that I like it too.  Guess I was a doxie in a former life, must do my past lives and find out....
I am going with a friend to the Benton County Jail today to visit her nephew, she is going out of town and I need to meet him so I can visit when she is gone.  I have never been to the Benton County Jail to visit any of its 400 guests so it will be a first for me.  When I was a child Daddy took us to sing for the guests in jail and we were really appreciated, I do remember how much praise we got from the guests.
There probably will not be a welcoming committee there to greet us or a "glad to had you" as we leave, but I will just have to be content that I don't have to stay and eat their refined carb foods, cold meals and no supplements. I wonder if they would ever do a study of a control group and another group that got supplements good reading materials and healthy meals while in jail; which ones would be the repeat offenders when they got out of prison.  i would like to do that study...Need someone to sponsor it with with funding.....Probably no one interested in helping the guilty or innocent.

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