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Thursday, November 24, 2011

I am so thankful that I am alive and well, well might not be the word for the way I feel after a night with these dogs.  Dixie and Zena did come and Dixie is helping Gomer exercise but they want to exercise in the house, under my feet and out doors only if I stay out with them.  Zena was awake and barking @ 4 am insisting that I take care of her and since she can't hear, I can't tell her to "shut up" and let me sleep. Since she got me up, Dixie and Gomer wanted to play on the bed and disturb my little dogs, all 10 of them. The sun is bright but it is still a bit cool out doors; we are out doors anyway, Dixie is getting a bit tired so maybe Gomer will slow down in a little while. 
It is Thanksgiving and my family is caring for lots and lots of animals, Penny is fixing the meal and Lonna will relieve me a bit so I can go to her house and eat.  Molly is home from college and already working.  Dixie's mom, Tamera brought two pies for us a pumpkin pie and a sampler, soooo goood, I have already broken my nutrition program and had a bite...maybe I need to just forgive my bad habits for one day and enjoy some very unhealthy food. OK.......

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