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Monday, August 31, 2009

Chapter 3-scene 4-my story

Mom had to grow and can enough fruits and vegetables to last all year, the potatoes were placed in sawdust under the floor, the onions were hung so they would be dry and not rot. Apples were also placed under the floor. some people had cellars to put their canned goods, potatoes and onions in for the winter. Mom made kraut out of the cabbage and pickles out of the cucumbers. I liked the pickle relish she made with the end of the garden. At first frost she gathered the cucumbers and all the green tomatoes and made a pickle relish that I loved.
Every morning we had hot biscuits, gravy, oatmeal, eggs and bacon or ham. When beef and pork were killed during the year some was cured in the smokehouse so we could use it all year, therefore we always had bacon and ham. A chicken could be grabbed anytime out or the yard, neck wrung, cleaned and cooked. Usually on Sunday we had chicken. Mom made cakes and pies all the time. We always picked lots of wild blackberries so we had lots of blackberry pies all year.
For all the employees and their families, the people at the Dam had celebrations and get togethers, at one such get together we saw our first movie, a Laurel and Hardy movie, we loved it. I have never forgotten it. Another form of entertainment, when the department of engineering saw that the lakes were going to flood a farm, they purchased the farm and then there was a large sale. Everything was auctioned off and there was always food there. Many auctions were held.

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