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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Are chocolate chip mint cookies on my wellness program? Not really but when my oldest daughter, Penny is feeling down, she bakes. Yesterday it was chocolate chip mint cookies, of course, I had a few.
I did get some housecleaning done with the help of Jill, she came over in the morning and cleaned in the kitchen and living room.
Hope it gets warm enough today to thaw some of the ice at the barn and hope the hose thaws too. The inside animals are napping now with HGTV on, I like their show, Yard Crashers, gives me some ideas for my garden. When there is snow and ice on the ground, I like to dream of plants and ponds. Today is a water wall and fire pit, not a bad idea.
Will finish classes in health coaching and wellness today and will do some work in my reflexology class. I have got to do more Qigong today because my muscles have been overused carrying water to the barn.
Had to get oil of wild oregano, olive leaf extract and Neem leaves to someone for a upper respiratory inflammation. A lot of that going on.

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