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Monday, January 25, 2010

It is really cold this morning! I can hope that the cold wind will dry the ground so I will not loose my shoes in the mud when I go feed the livestock. Had to get more hay for the livestock yesterday and too wet to get it to the barn so had to unload in the dry area near the highway. Janet, JR, Jesse and Julie do not mind where it is just so it is there. Just read on Facebook that my sister is going to be a great grandmother, can you believe that I am old enough to have a sister that old?
Am started on my road to becoming presentable enough to appear in public. Have been at home so long that I have to redo myself. Cowboy and Dude will have a home with their mom and Dad next week and I am looking forward to them being gone, I will have a lot more freedom.
Did some really in depth study in Spring Forest Qigong yesterday and am more impressed each time I do more study. Did some more reading on eye health, too.

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