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Thursday, May 20, 2010

I did some more planting just before the rain and then I had to care for the dogs who are afraid of storms. Several years ago I spent time in class "T touch for dogs", we were taught how to keep the dogs from being afraid of storms, none of those things work on my dogs. We were also taught how to keep them from fighting to keep their toenails, that does not work either. I think I wasted my time and money. I got my book on Earthing, I really am enjoying it because I believe in the concept. I restarted going barefoot this year because I know it can improve my health. Now I have the research and can promote it without thinking it might be 'folk medicine'.

I am already washing dog pads, quilts, rugs and towels, everything is so muddy and even though the house is full of dogs, I can smell dog smells. Lonna bought me some canned cat food and my cats were so happy, they had to eat just plain healthy dry food yesterday. They told me how unhappy they were. It looks like more rain today and my livestock wants to come into the back yard but I keep them in the barn lot when it is rainy so they will have shelter from storms. I had to spend time this morning out in the front yard with 6 of the dogs that are trained to be off leash, all the bushes in the front yard needed new pee and they supplied it. With all these dogs to care for I have not had time to write and that makes me sad, I think I feel like a smoker without 'smokes', at least I think that is the way they feel.

If you have a chronic disease or pain, check out the earthing information, if you don't want to go barefoot there are grounded sheets etc. to use. I love the concept and how free the treatment of going barefoot or working in soil with your hands. I already reached a goal; no mis spellings.

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