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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lot of singing birds this morning. had to fix fence this morning so the barnyard animals can not get into my garden. They like the be in the backyard but I cannot let them into my garden.

I got my DVD on "Reversing Diabetes in 30 days' and spent the evening listening to it and taking notes. It is a documentary made by some Holistic MDs and Naturopaths. 6 persons with insulin dependency from all around the US were taken to a remote area of Arizona for 30 days, they all had other chronic conditions too. They all became medication free, but with their past lifestyles I will bet some will relapse when they get home. All had normal blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure when they left to go home. Even I, who believes everything can be cured with lifestyle changes; nutrition, exercise and energy medicine, was shocked at how well they did. I love it! Everything is a process but we have to follow through.

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