In the ongoing saga of Felix, the stray, he is still sitting on my front step and the mud is terrible. He has a rut in my yard where he runs back and forth trying to get into the back yard with my other animals and the cats have retreated to the storage shed as they don't like his heavy play.
Signed the contract and paid my down payment on the solar hot water tank, it is a start for becoming green. I have to be a math professor to figure out how my footprint will change, as I recycle my paper and cardboard, hang my clothes to dry and have solar hot water. It takes a lot of effort on my part just to recycle because I have to take my stuff 7 miles away to recycle, wish I could have it picked up curbside. I put everything in my old venture van and when it is too full for me to drive it comfortably, I take a load to the recycle center, that saves gas so my footprint will be smaller. I need a solar trike with a trailer so I won't have to use gas, I guess that is my next project.
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