Felix (I named him from Felix Jones who is with the Dallas Cowboys now) the dog is still on my front step, I tried to let him in the yard, he immediately went through the doggie door into the house and lifted his leg all over the house. I let him back out into the yard! That was a mistake! He is still barking and crying wanting in and I just can't do it.
Piglet came to stay with me a week while mom and dad are taking a vacation, she is a doxie mix and very friendly, already found a spot on the pillows on the couch, taking a nap.
Got my renewal of my drivers' license and picked up food for the live stock while I was out, the lady who owns the farm store is having hormone problems, we set her up to go to the compounding pharmacy to get hormone levels tested and will go from there. Her husband has a sinus infection so sent him to get himself some oil of oregano and goji berry juice. I just can't keep from bossing people even when I am buying horse food.
Sent Barky's mom some Zamu, Lonna will drop it off at her house today, she has lots of health problems, but low energy, back pain and weight gain are the most immediate ones.
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