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Sunday, February 28, 2010

I have had Campbell Kids with me for a couple of days, these little dogs seem to really enjoy playing out in the back yard and they run with me just as mine do. Lucy is a lap sitter so is sitting in my lap as I type. I need a few more paying guests so I can buy more books to sell, for a profit.
Looks like the sun is going to shine today and that makes me happy, my oh my, Chloe just came and reminded me that I had not turned on the classical music. She is so bossy, but I love it.
Did some planning on book promotions yesterday and worked more on the energy healing. Did all the dogs' energy massages yesterday, some still are not thrilled when I get to their paws but they tolerate, just to be in my lap alone. I wrote an article on Helium.com on the use of Neem in healing the skin problems of dogs. I love writing for helium because you get to write at least 400 words, that makes it more fun and I can give more of my opinion.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I went online to see my book; www.iuniverse.com and I am going to order my copies as soon as I get my Social Security check. they have sent me my free copies and they are on their way to me. I started notifying everyone to order it. I will spend a lot of time next week going about and finding places to do book signings and getting some workshops put together. I will get my press release out and start getting publicity. I can't put out the press release until I get a place for at least one book signing.
I am trying to build another website on Windows Live but I don't have enough knowledge so I think I will request help from Lonna. I could learn if I had the patience to read all the instructions over and over.
It is sunny today so I need to spend time outdoors. Lonna and Jill are doing a program at the church this morning and Penny and Molly have gone for a College visit to Cottey College.

Mema's Ramblings on being well a guide so that everyone can be well and have ultimate wellness at age 75 - iUniverse

Mema's Ramblings on being well a guide so that everyone can be well and have ultimate wellness at age 75 - iUniverse

Friday, February 26, 2010

Much better weather than I expected, no rain and not too cold. Did research yesterday on some more alternative cancer therapies. also listened to a couple of webinars.

Yesterday was dog bath day for 4 of the dogs and that took a lot of time and a lot of work,Have got to get some more chicken food, horse food and canned cat food, so it is time to get to the store, might as well drive all the way to Walmart because I still need printer ink. Harry Potter, my Yorkie, did not act like he felt well this morning so we went out before 7, into the front yard, his favorite place so he could run and smell. His big thing is to either go for a ride in the car with me or smell the whole front yard just him, no one else.

I enjoyed researching energy testing and kinesiology yesterday and learned a lot; was reminded of stuff I had forgotten too. It just amazes me about how our bodies are so put together that my body can diagnose and heal itself.

Watched a video; Temple Gramdin, the autistic woman who is brilliant, I learn so much from her every time I listen to her. I think that she is a great gift to the world.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunny but cold yesterday, too cold to get much vitamin D. Had a webinar with Dr. Bernie Seigel yesterday afternoon and remember that my first time to read his books and listen to his tapes was almost 20 years ago when I was staying with my grandson Cameron in infant intensive care, he is still very good to listen to. His subject was attitude and how important it is in healing. There is a writing contest on Hub pages starting Monday, I am preparing by doing some writing ahead of time. It is on different treatments for wellness, The first one; an essay on herbal treatment, number two; Chinese medicine, etc. It is not difficult for me to write 300 words on almost anything. I may have trouble getting a story in everyday for 30 days, I may submit 2 on some days then skip a day or two. Did some reading on Dr. David Katz, he is interested in nutrition and exercise. Ran out of ink again so had to stop some of my work on the wellness workshop manual I am working on.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Looks like the sun is coming up and it is shinning big; need it because it is cold out there. I don't get on the computer in the evening this week because Lonna is working here on a huge power point presentation for the church so she monopolizes the computer. Have been getting some reading done and working on my reflexology lessons and my Reiki lessons. My webinars on tapping this morning is about how to get yourself to enjoy selling, one of my weak points.
Got my 3 ring binders yesterday that I ordered so I spent time copying my downloaded copy of my book and making seminar workbooks from it, enjoying that a lot, but now need some new ink cartridges, one thing leads to another.
I have been working on getting the dogs to stay quiet until 6 am, this morning they were still quiet at 5:15 but guess what, I was awake.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am discouraged when I hear that so many of my friend and acquaintances are in the midst of health problems, how can I tell them that their physicians are killing them? I feel like a very small voice in a huge wilderness.
I have been working on my Reiki class online, I knew nothing about Reiki until I started the study; I am impressed. They have a motto of sorts;
  • just for today do not worry
  • just for today do not be angry
  • honor your parents, teachers and elders
  • Earn your work honestly
  • show gratitude in everything

If only we could live by those words, if only everyone lived by those words; there would be no wars, no poverty, etc.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Had a good day yesterday; went to a celebration for a friend who had worked for 30 years for the same company, that is almost unheard of in this day. I had not seen them in a couple of years and had almost forgotten how to get to their house. It was a nice dessert and coffee get together. I left my dogs for a while and they thought that I had abandoned them forever. Lots of love and appreciation when I returned home. I had trouble finding shoes that I could get the barnyard mud off so I would look decent.

The Tapping, EFT, conference starts today and I will be fed the CDs so I can participate, free of charge. I love the wonders of the computer and how much free access i have to everything.

When driving yesterday, I saw the signs of spring; huge pot holes in the roads.
Tater is such a happy old throw-away; fat and happy.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nice Day, even though the sun was not visible it was warm. Still a little cool to have my coffee under the old apple tree but it gave me hope that I can do it soon.
I decided that if I am going to use my book in workshops, I need to make a manual out of it so I loved putting my creative juices to work to get it put together and order the cheapest binders I could find online. I was interrupted when my neighbors' grandchildren came over to visit my animals, their parents and grandparents do not like animals. That is a shame, they are missing out on life, I think. That must be why they are so unhealthy, smoking could be part of that equation too.
One of my tweet buddies posted the neatest little piece of music yesterday and I tried to find the music on line, it was on her website but I could not upload it to my computer so I just hit replay all day. She has not tweeted me back on how to get it. It is one of those inspirational pieces that has words popping up and the way it is being used is called "Star Shine" I really loved it and I then went back to a favorite of mine "Cup of Coffee" on www.youtube.com I listened to the two pieces while I did my creative things.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I have this thing about not doing the same thing twice, in looking at speaking to groups; I think of more creative ways to say the same thing and I always have to have something to visualize so i choose between;

  • Climbing mountains to reach a goal

  • walking up steps to a goal

  • sailing over oceans; rough seas and calm waters in life

  • trials being abrasives to polish you and make you shine

  • Life savers

  • compass to show the correct direction to go

  • life being a puzzle to solve

There are a million creative ways to tell a story so I brain stormed a bit with my self about what would fit with my next speech. I enjoy that sort of thing and enjoy the prep almost as much as doing the class. I went on line to Oriental Trading to order some cheap little things to make my points; including little buckets and dippers to illustrate how we go through life either filling peoples buckets or emptying them out. Every good deed you do or good thing you say fills someones bucket and fills yours; every bad thing you do or say empties someones bucket and in turn empties yours too.

The rest of the day was spent doing day to day chores and doing more in depth study into Donna Edens Energy healing. I did 30 minutes of Qigong and did some weight training. The weight training was a little much so ended up a little sore this morning.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I got my new battery in my car and went to town for the first time in several weeks, it was good. My young friend brought me a rooster that was not fitting in well with his flock so I now have a rooster, this time it is a big one. He did not crow this morning but it is probably because he is getting used to his new surroundings. He and Julie are getting along fine and came to meet me for their food this morning.
I had a webinar with my favorite energy healing lady, Donna Eden, last night and it was very good. I wish everyone would try it and I would love to go see her when she is in K.C next month; guess it is just another dream.
A friend's husband is on life support; just 38 years old, obese, heavy smoker, etc, etc. I feel for her, she has a small child is losing her job, has lost her car, etc., etc.,. Wish I knew what to do.

Good day of sunshine yesterday and looks like one again today, have not heard what the weather man said, he probably does not know any more than I do anyway. Good weather makes me want to dig a few holes and plant a few things.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I decided to scan the front of the book and try that
It was fun yesterday when I did the final approval on my book and the book cover, I now know what it will look like, if I could figure how to download a picture of the cover, I would show it to you. I put it on my documents but when I try to upload as a picture it does not work. I will figure it out someway.
I guess the stars were all in the right orbit because my teams won: Arkansas, Missouri, Hawks, Mavs, Jazz; the Suns could not win because they were playing the Mavs. It did not take me long to figure it out that one of my favorite teams had to lose. I listened to a webinar on procrastination while I was seeing the Mavs and Suns play. Today on the top of my list is; doing my Qigong lesson all the way through without interruptions. Back to my weight lifting today, my soreness is gone so I must keep going. Doyle called last night to say; he will come today and put my new battery in my car. Now I will be able to leave the house and go further than walking distance.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spent time yesterday working on a presentation;wasted time finding the stuff I needed, it is amazing how easy it is to lose things in this little house. I also made my poster for helping me delete some of my excess weight. I have to look super by the time my book reaches the book stores in April. As I looked in the mirror; I decided that I needed some facial exercises so went on www.youtube.com to find some I liked. I do not want a double chin and I want to keep my eyes wide and without droopy eye lids.
As I write I am listening to Dr. Mercola and David Wolfe in order to pick up a few tidbits of info that I may have forgotten. Last night I heard 2 webinars, one was informative the other one, I turned off after a while because I was not gaining anything from it. I am too old to waste my time listening to something that will not help me or anyone I know. The sun is going to shine today so I will get some real vitamin D today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The sun is shining, the sun is shining! I did some study on antioxidants yesterday and also did some more study on how to promote my book when it is released and on the shelves. I am also reading Dr. Mark Hyman's book on "The UltraMind Solution", he has so much knowledge and I went to his blog to read his entries while he was in Haiti helping in the medical clinic. So sad and discouraging.
Check out the website: www.whosaysican't.org it is inspiring

Monday, February 15, 2010

Just received word this morning of the death of a dear friend; Paul Smith, a friend since the '50s. He smoked for years and he waited too long to quit. It is a terrible thing that people do to themselves. Our family and theirs had many happy times together and went through sad times too.
I am weaning myself away from turning on the TV in the morning and guess what? I did not know it was snow again this morning, 20 degrees and snowing. I just finished carrying water to the livestock and have everyone fed and watered now, 15 dogs, 3 cats, a pygmy goat, a mini mule, an old horse and a little red hen.
I got two valentines, a heated water bucket for the livestock and a battery for my car. Since I did not have a visit from any humans yesterday, I took a spa day and listened to audio while I trimmed my hair, worked on my skin and relaxed.
I am climbing a mountain to maintaining my ultimate wellness:
  • C-climb, be willing to take steps to be a better me.
  • L-live today, plan for tomorrow but live today.
  • I-inspire someone to better themselves.
  • M-motivate, be a motivator for others.
  • B-Believe I can achieve anything I want, if I put in the effort.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

HAPPY VALENTINE DAY: I might as well blog since my feet are covered with 6 little dogs and I can't get up. I sat down with my cup of coffee to read my e-mails and the dogs immediately covered my feet and became comfortable.

Yesterday I listened to Dr. Mark Hyman and read from his books, gained lots of neat tidbits, I could spend days just listening and reading what he has to say.

I just looked in the field across the highway and saw a red fox running. It is just getting daylight so I almost missed him/her. I have been seeing lots of wild geese so maybe all that means spring is coming.

Jack is so anxious to play and 'Lil Bear is having nothing to do with it, 'Lil Bear is old and has no teeth so he does not tolerate a puppy trying to play. The old man is a good alarm clock because he goes out about 5 am and when he comes back in he thinks I should be out of bed and ready to thaw his meatball. He barks and dances until I get out of bed.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Was nice to go to the barnlot because Lonna gave me a valentine; a large heated water bucket. It was great to have plenty of thawed water this morning for the livestock. I needed that!
Lela and Rambo went home this morning so the cats will be happy. Lela just could not leave them alone, she would just sit and stare at them and none of them enjoyed her big face close to them.
I will have left overs today; the girls are doing lunch for the widows at the Community Church so they bring me the left overs to eat all week. I hope to get a new battery for my van so I can drive it, I have charged this battery several times and it will only start the day after the charge, so guess I need a new battery.
I have to bathe more dogs today, I bathed Harry Potter, Neville and Franklin already this morning.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I am so glad that the snow went south and it is just below freezing. Had to carry lots of water to the for the livestock, my grandmother would have said; fetch the water. Hope the hose thaws today so I can fill all the buckets and won't have to 'tetch water' water for a few days.
I listened to a lecture yesterday via computer on nutrition, Dr. Jonny Bowden a nutritious that I had never heard and I really enjoyed him. I learned a little and then it gave me fuel for other learning. So Sorry that Bill Clinton, one of my favorite people is having some problems. I hope he has been told that the device he had implanted will not lengthen his life but just give him comfort. He is probably taking statin drugs so it has depleted some of his nutrients especially his Co Enzyme Q10 and that is his problem. He also needs his mineral levels checked and his hormone levels. He needs me to be his health coach, I could even travel with him.
If I can get motivated today to do some house cleaning I will try to make my space more organized. I am told by all the experts that if I get organized, I will feel better.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I had a webinar last night with Dr. Norm Shealy, I was really glued to my computer for so long so had to use my weights right at the computer. His webinar was really educational and I also watched all his downloads and I stayed up too late, watching it all and going to referral websites. This morning I listened to the lecture by David Wolfe that I was not able to watch last night.
Looking forward to Saturday because the weather is supposed to get better. Maybe the hose will thaw and I can quit carrying those 5 gallon buckets of water to the barn lot. I also got another seed catalog yesterday so am dreaming about my spring planting and getting started on my gardens. I always dream too big and have to figure my bank account into what I order. I need some more fruit trees, my old apple tree and peach tree are old; the apple tree produces really well but the peaches usually get frozen so I only have a few; lots of blossoms but few peaches. Need to get a tree that is more freeze resistance. Also need a cherry tree that produces good fruit. Am going to add more berries this year also.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It is cold and everything is frozen, had to carry water from the bath tub for the livestock, I think I have said it before, I am tired of winter. I am like the little boy who said, "Make Christmas go away". Julie, my little red hen. has been favoring her right foot but today she ran on both feet and did not limp. Animals have a way of healing themselves, given time.
The propane company finally picked up the old tank from my yard, it looks much better out there and I am just glad to get rid of it. As soon as the ground gets unfrozen, I will sow some seed out there so the livestock will have a bit more grass when spring comes.
I had 2 webinars last night, one was good the other was worthless. anyway it did not relate to me. I have 2 again tonight, one is by Dr. Shealy so I know it will be good.
The Whitaker "kids" are here because their mom is having knee surgery; preventable if she had had the right advice and treatment the past few years. It is another way the health care $'s are wasted. Rambo the little dog is having a great time with Jack and Lela the big Golden is so mesmerized by the cats; they are so happy when she goes home. She is a good dog but loves to sit in my favorite chair and she is really too big for any chair. It was the first time they have been here since Jack joined us, the play began right away and went on all day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Will write a bit since all my animals have been fed and exercised, every one of the dogs and cats are relaxing to classical music while I do some relaxing on the computer. It was difficult breaking the ice on the livestock's' water because temperature is low, low and cold, cold. I started writing a chapter on each of my animals for a book because I want to preserve all those memories and a book is a good way to go. I am continuing my follow up book on wellness; Mema's Ramblings on being well".

Read some research last night on the many use of hydrogen peroxide and also read o lot on the uses of tart cherry. I am also doing further research on the many oxygen therapies.

One of the most fun little dogs I have is Chloe a black pug. She is the boss of everyone and so alert to her surroundings, she talks to the TV and tells everyone what to do from her perch on the couch. At night she nests next to my body and when I start getting the house ready for bedtime she runs to be the first in bed so no one will get her spot.

Monday, February 8, 2010

There is such a great picture outdoors, it snowed and there was absolutely no wind so the snow stayed on everything including the clothesline. About half the dogs are loving it the other half thinks it is too wet to go out and do their business. I think if I were younger it would be a great snow. JR and the little hen, Julie thought the barn was a much greater place to be and did not want to come out to eat. My trees look great and wish I new how to use Lonna's new camera.

All I can say about the super bowl is "The Cowboys beat the winners" !!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Terrible weather in the capitol but nice cloudy but warm weather here until tomorrow then another snow storm. I have already walked outdoors with the dogs and they seemed to enjoy it until I came and in the came too. Wish I was not so needed. Probably won't be able to walk outdoors after tomorrow for a few days, I hate winter!
Super Bowl, Sunday and nothing else on TV, maybe I will get more work done. Stormy took over the kitchen so Sophie decided that it is a nice time to take over my rocking chair. These cats are so independent.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

i sent a dog story to a site that wants contributions from animal lovers, had to be 1200 or less words so I really had to modify my 4000 word story about how I collected all these animals. I am also going to post the complete story on Hub pages, another site I write on.
I got my new air filtration system yesterday and it is already cleaning the air better than the old smaller one. I hope it will also eliminate some of the dust in the house. Maybe it will eliminate all the toxins that I am breathing and I will be so energetic that I will get everything done every day. I will complete 2 of my online classes today so I can mark them off my list. I will still have two to complete before i start another one. I need an animal feeder, a maid and a hairdresser, wonder how much money I would have to make to enable me to have all that help. While I am making plans how about a massage therapist?

Friday, February 5, 2010

It upsets me when I do a lot of reading and go back to find the information again, I cannot find it. I need to use a highlighter when I read, but I forget where I put the highlighter and when I find it, I have left the top off and it is dry. That is not an unusual way for me to go through my day. I think I was reading info from Dr. David Williams on Alternative medicine when I was reading about Alzheimer's Disease and I then started reading about the use of B3 in the treatment. I ran across some information about the perils of taking anti cholesterol drugs and when I go back to find the information i want I can't find it. I guess I had better find another highlighter, maybe buy several, just in case I leave the cap off.
I am sick of winter, I think that is part of the reason I can't find things and why I am not absorbing as much of what I read. At least that is a good way to explain my problems.
I am sick of the way the news is treating Toyota I wonder if they would treat Ford the same way. In fact, I am tired of all the news media and think they are becoming the ruler of our world.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It is snowing again, I am really tired of this weather! I have already had a full morning, Doyle came to get my car started because I have to go to the bank. When Lonna was here last week end she peeled potatoes in my sink and tried to put the skins down my garbage disposal, of course that stopped up the drains and even the dishwasher would not drain so this morning I went ahead and took the drains apart and cleaned them out, what a mess, I don't know about your cabinet under the sink, but mine was full of junk and now I have to sort all that stuff and find places for it also need to figure out what to throw away. I am not good at throwing away.
My Mavs and my Suns both won as did Arkansas last night but since the Suns play so late, I did not get much sleep. While I listened to the Razorbacks and watched the Mavs, I listened to a webinar. The webinar was not very good so stopped watching before it was over and just concentrated on the Mavs. Because of the ball games I did not hear the weather forecast last night so was surprised when it started snowing this morning.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have to get on my soap box today, I started reading a book I bought and as I started reading I could not believe it. It took 40 pages to say almost nothing. I know people who are busier that I am but even I don't have the time to waste to go through that many pages until I get some "meat". I have started learning something, I hope I don't get to the middle and find I have to read 40 more pages of nothing. I think i will look at the contents and just read what I want. It is a shame to waste all that paper and print for nothing.
One good thing today is the sunshine and the birds are singing. I will get some sun (vitamin D) today and will be able to exercise out doors. Am missing the big dogs but it takes a lot less time feeding in the morning and about 1/2 the food.
Am learning about fish fertilizer today via video and get anxious to plant a few things.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Am listening to Dr. Mercola and David Wolfe via you tube, really learning and enjoying. Snow and ice are beginning to melt and things are getting messy now. The sun is peeping out in spite of the clouds.
Cowboy and Dude left yesterday, their parents left the shelter today and moved into a house. I can't imagine living in a shelter for more than 3 months. My house seems empty even though I have 14 little ones and the 3 cats in the house. I can exercise a little better now in the house and outdoors because Dude loved to play when I was trying to exercise. I also gave them a lot of my extra furniture and kitchen stuff including a dining table and chairs.
I was going to go to the bank this morning but car won't start again, guess I really need a new battery.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Had an encounter with horse and donkeys yesterday. A cop knocked on my door and said he had some stray animals that needed a pen and wondered if he could use my barn lot as a holding pen until he found the owner, It was a horse and 5 donkeys, they were on the highway but were glad to get into my hay. The horse thought Janet looked good so started to make friends and Janet was afraid he was going to hurt her mini mule and Jesse the pygmy goat so she was very unhappy. After a lot of chasing in the snow I got my animals into the back yard and let the strays eat and enjoy themselves. My friend Doyle found the owners and he came to get them after a few hours. When I put the livestock in the back yard it was very exciting for Jack, who had never really seen the animals and the two big dogs, Cowboy and Dude who were shocked to see them at last.

It was an exciting morning and everything is back to "normal". I am still feeding my beautiful birds and I needed lots of Qigong and stretching yesterday after my morning ordeal of chasing horses, donkeys, goats and mules in the ice and snow. I think I am getting too old to do that plus have snowball fights with the dogs. Cowboy and Jack just love chasing snowballs.