- Climbing mountains to reach a goal
- walking up steps to a goal
- sailing over oceans; rough seas and calm waters in life
- trials being abrasives to polish you and make you shine
- Life savers
- compass to show the correct direction to go
- life being a puzzle to solve
There are a million creative ways to tell a story so I brain stormed a bit with my self about what would fit with my next speech. I enjoy that sort of thing and enjoy the prep almost as much as doing the class. I went on line to Oriental Trading to order some cheap little things to make my points; including little buckets and dippers to illustrate how we go through life either filling peoples buckets or emptying them out. Every good deed you do or good thing you say fills someones bucket and fills yours; every bad thing you do or say empties someones bucket and in turn empties yours too.
The rest of the day was spent doing day to day chores and doing more in depth study into Donna Edens Energy healing. I did 30 minutes of Qigong and did some weight training. The weight training was a little much so ended up a little sore this morning.
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