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Saturday, December 26, 2009


what a great life? My body tells me this morning that the goodies everyone left when I got their dogs, were not healthy snacks.
This is when I do not enjoy my little farmette, carrying water to the livestock, feeding everyone and life in general is very hard on this old lady. My young friend Doyle came yesterday morning and got my car started so first thing this morning it was; start the water to be certain it did not freeze, starting the washer and dryer, then starting the car and letting it run for a while so the cold battery will start again when I need it.
Janet the horse kicks all the water buckets over if they are not full so I must keep carrying water until the hose thaws out next week. I have one small heated bucket but it does take her long to empty it out, so I must fill the half barrels and the 5 gallon buckets. If I get enough sun today I will be able to get the hose loose from the faucet so I can fill from the outside instead of having to go to the bathtub. I forgot to take the hose loose before the freeze, it makes my work a little harder, when I forget something like that.

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