A new cat arrived, a declawed female cat showed up at my friends house, she could not keep her so she came to stay here, hoping I can find a home for her. She is living in the kitchen and seems to tolerate the dogs well enough to survive. Nellie came out to eat and did not seem at all frightened by all the dogs eating also. She seems like a nice cat and has a very loving personality. I will try to get her on my webcam today so you can see how pretty she is.
How can it be that four of my teams played yesterday and four of them lost, so sad. Molly, Jill and Lonna played Phase 10 with me yesterday afternoon and I did not win either. Yesterday was a no win day I guess.
Looks like rain today and I need it for my plants and for the dust in my back yard. My animals have been doing dust baths every time they go out. Hot coffee is good today because it is cool. Hope to get the proof copy of my new book today. If I did not have dogs sleeping over this weekend I would go to a craft fair and sign books. Just coming at the wrong time. There will be so many people out going to all the craft fairs, I could just set a card table up in my yard and put a sign up saying craft fair and people would stop. If you have stuff to do in Northwest Arkansas you had better get it done before Thursday because starting Thursday morning traffic will be bumper to bumper.
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