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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Picture of Tulip

Can't hang the clothes out today, cold and rainy. The dogs are extra frisky today and Jesse, the billy goat, was so impatient that he butted the gate before I could get out to feed the livestock. I did not get my new doxies to the vet soon enough and Tulip is in heat, I hate it and so does she. It is a good thing that my others are all neutered. I guess she and Daffodil will take turns until I get them spayed. I usually get them all "fixed" before I have a problem but was just too busy this past week. I did get a donation from a friend that will help me pay for the surgery, it is so appreciated. I will call for an appointment Monday and not wait for some vet to do the senior discount. Jackson and Big Mac is teaching Daffodil (daffy) to play; getting kind of wild in here. A real contrast in size and shape; a min pin mix, a big fat pug and a miniature doxie.

I am listening to one of the many "how to become rich" tapes this morning, fun to listen to but a bit hard to put into practice. According to the video, my income can explode, maybe I need to watch a bit more intently. I spent part of yesterday listening to my favorite; Dr. Norm Shealy and learn something new every time I listen to one of his webinars. The only thing that he recommends that I have a problem with is; past life experiences, I am still not convinced that I believe in it.

Jill came to see me after work yesterday and washed my dishes; helped me catch up with kitchen work. The dogs enjoyed her visit too.

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