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Saturday, March 12, 2011

wasting my time trying to help people become well

I always wonder how much time and money I have wasted on people who do not plan to follow through on anything I say and do. I know I wasted about 3 hours yesterday trying to help someone who is not able or has the intention to, follow through. But I do it anyway in the hopes of helping people. On my way home I did pick up animal food so my animals are happy and well fed. I also passed out some fliers on my workshop on the 26th and have much happiness anticipating that the room will be full of persons who want to improve their health and wellness. I am listening to a Bruce Lipton webinar replay and trying to learn more about my mind.

In anticipation of the summer having its effects on my skin, I started using a new oil to improve my skin tone an keep me from having "that old wrinkled thin skin' look and feel. I am out in the sun so much and need to be aware of what it does to my skin.

My washer is full of winter stuff so I can get it put away in big plastic bins until next winter, I am layering everything with dryer sheets so when I open it up next fall it will look and smell brand new.

I have begun my study of canning, so that I will learn how to keep all the garden produce that my garden is going to produce. I will finish getting all the garden dirt moved with my tiller today and more horse manure put in the dirt. I wish I had a slave that could help me; there is so much to do. I must order more plants and hopefully the farmers market will have some plants that people no longer need and I can recycle them.

Monroe and Quincy will come to Mema's Sleepover today to stay a few days; such great little dogs and so much fun. It is a good thing that everyone has a different spring break so I do not have too many dogs at any one time

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