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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Prevent infections with Neem, melalucea and oregano oils

My birds are very active and very hungry this morning, outside my window. A large variety of birds, I count about 30 appear happy (Jill needs to be here to help me identify all) I put food out in the snow and in the feeders. I also have a window feeder in the kitchen that is very busy this morning. We have a couple of inches of very dry snow and I had trouble finding the goat and mule feeders this morning, they were covered with snow. Lonna helped me fill the water barrels and I think everyone is happy, for the time being, at least. My little hen Julie was fluffing her feathers this morning, warning me that it was cold.

The sun is coming out and the snow looks good but since the thermometer is in the lower teens, it is deceiving. I am so grateful for the sun even though the prediction is low temps and wind later on today. I am very happy and grateful that I do not have to drive to work in the cold, slick roads weather. Schools are cancelled! I am keeping my hands warm with my hot coffee mug. The washer and dryer are in operation because I need to wash but also because it keeps the house warmer and water pipes free of ice. I got more seed catalogs yesterday in the mailbox so it gives me something to dream about for the springtime. So many people complaining about flu and colds; with all that is out there to keep us well, why do people ignore their wellness? I am using a lot of melaleuca (tea tree) oil on everything to kill any germs and have to order more oil of oregano, I don't like the odor of Neem but have been using it too.

I have to check my bank account today and see if I can afford David Wolfe's new DVD's. I NEED THEM!!!!

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