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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

LIstening to Dr. Mercola and David Wolfe

Brrrrrrr cold this morning. My little puppies love to go out with me, watch everyone pottie then come back in and ...........Lot of clean up! Now they are ready to nap, on my rebounder, but if I get up and move about, they have to move too. Molly and Coco went home last evening and I have a bit more room to walk about in the house. Kidd, Nash and Buddy are always exactly where I need to walk, of course.

I am listening to Dr. Mercola and David Wolfe in a repeat webinar, so much good information. As I listen and write, have to have coffee to keep my hands warm. There are several different videos so I will get to listen for a long time this morning as I clean up, do wash, fold laundry and talk to the four legged creatures, I sing to them but they do not seem to enjoy it a lot, don't know why, I have a booming voice and can sing 2 octaves without difficulty.

I have to get to the bank because I put my last 2 books on Kindle yesterday and need to replenish my account. It was my only cyber Monday purchase. I think that shows a lot of restraint; had plenty of opportunity to spend money, my e-mails were full of great offers. I did get my new Qigong DVDs yesterday and my Donna Gates Book. Need to increase my memory and speed reading quickly so I can catch up. My classes are progressing well even with the puppies as distractions. Wish someone else would love these little distractions, I vowed years ago; "No more puppies" older dogs only, I am too much of a doormat and "I am just a girl that can't say, No". How can you say no to these sweet little animals?

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