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Monday, December 13, 2010

Again a very cold night, I got my exercises this morning trying to carry enough water to the animals in the barn lot, the chickens were trying to drink from the ice in the water barrels. I will have to do it about 4 times today because it is not going to be thawing weather today and even if I put hot water out there it will freeze quickly. I have one large bucket heated with electricity but that water does not last long.

Bad day yesterday for my football teams all three lost: Dallas, KC, and St. L. I should have checked my horoscope so I would have not cheered for them and they could have won?????

We found a home for the last puppy yesterday, Nash went to live with a young family where I am certain he will be happy. Dixie, Xena and Wally went home yesterday so we have a much less chaotic house. Lonna brought us an infrared heater and it is heating the house much better, temp yesterday did not get above 60, we have to get plastic on the windows today.

I am listening to Lesson Four of my Kwik Learning program today, this week we are learning to remember speeches. I hope I get the opportunity to do some speeches soon, it has been a while and I miss it. I think I had better start back to Toastmasters. I really enjoyed Toastmasters when I was involved.

One of the kids I had in Nursery School, way back when, is having a kidney transplant this week in St. Louis and I hope that he will do very well. It is amazing how far we have gone in that area of medicine in just a few years.

My dogs are lined up to be combed and loved so I had better get busy, they might start to riot.

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